Man Captures Carla, Man likes to stare
Does it really matter that a new year has started, that the earth has finished one orbit around the sun and has started along a new one it is prehistoric, endless circling of the ball of nuclear fires. Does it make a difference how many times it has done so before today or after death?
I don’t know whether it makes any difference or not, but the world is out partying tonight and will continue to do so tomorrow (my tomorrow) for the sun will come up on a different time zone then. Hence a lot of partying, booze, E, Acid, Mushrooms dying before maybe they had wanted to die. Loads of food to be had, to be thrown up, upholsteries to be cleaned, hangovers to be hung over. Drinks to be made, to be had, to be pissed away, hearts beating faster and faster, till the time comes, the gauntlet has been thrown, the leaves taken, tickets bought, outfits fitted, cars with inflated tires. Tomorrow is so far away, but is coming quickly.
I can’t see straight, too tired, not drunk, I remembered I don’t do that, but still life sometimes gets to your head and then forgets where its at and refuses to come back down. Stuck up there like a scared little cat, stuck in a tree. Is it scared to come back down, or is it bored, or does it see a bird worth its while. Why oh why does it climb out on that bloody limb to begin with?
Am now leaving to attend the bloody Paul Oakenfold concert which I hope is good enough to pass the night, or else I will have to come back, because it is like everything else you face on this planet. You can sue, cuss, fuss, but you can either
a) never get your moneys worth
b) if you do you are too high to remember the good times, hence you don’t remember getting your money’s worth
c) If you do remember you are the only one to do so and when you grow old you are lonely with those memories
d) You have fun but piss everything away
e) You don’t have any thing and still piss what you have away, after you borrowed it.
After doing all of the mind boggling stuff to yourself, yes you do it to yourself, no one did it to you, no one can destroy you unless you want in on it. The self destruct button is the most attractive button on life’s console, you sit down and start the blame game, or you blame yourself, and vow not to let it happen, or give up and let it happen. Either way, life passes on, through out all the musings and amusements, life continues to tick away. Doesn’t it? And sleep comes at night, like a ghost, like a drug, like death itself.