Monday, September 12, 2005

wharts and what not

So, i have finally decided to get off my cute little tush and actually try and do something. i have finally drafted a resume` and sent it off to a few people in the UAE. Yes! i am applying for a job there..or so it seems. i spent the whole night sitting up and thinking what it was all about. was it the better life it offered in its own peculiar manner. Did it mean more money, more savings. Perfect thoughts for a upper middle class Pakistani. Add to that the lack of wisdom generated by youth, harmones, boredom, an unchanged life over the past three and a half years. To this also add a bit of the fact that i have been single since i was born. All this adds up to produce the perfect concoction, the idea man to think about running away from it all. After spending the whole night wondering and failing to sleep due to the awakening neighbours (which is a story i shall build on later) i realised that it was not all of the above. Well some of it, but most of all, i wanted a vacation. I would never have convinced my self of taking a vacation for such a long time (i am very lazy, even when it comes to taking time out for my self), so i have finally given myself a very plausible excuse.
The thing that really surprised me was the fact that the day i started asking people about Dubai, and other adjoining states, and the job situation, there were people everywhere who were ready to help me come on over. I wonder, is it that i am very popular and everybody just loves me a lot. Or is it because most of us who go there with a vision of a better life for all the aforemetioned reasons and more find our own selves being held up for ransom? I am unable to comment on the presence or lack of culture in Dubai, especially due to the fact that i have never travelled a distance more than that of Lahore to Karachi, or the return trip. i will have to investigate further into that matter once i get there. There is no training like hands on training.
Now, the Plan is to get to Dubai, a friend is staying at a road (from description) adjacent to the "Bank Street" in Dubai. I assume that the bank street is one where most Banks would have their offices (every time i type the word office, i think orifice). Ok, once i am in the thick of things, i intend to throw my resume` at anyone who looks at me twice. I dont know what the reaction would be to such an outrage, but i am willing to take the blame and bear the brunt. I am a bit worried about the weather. Despite the fact that i have been trained in the dark skills of survival on the polluted and extremely hot roads of Lahore (apprx max road temp in summers goes upto 65 degrees centigrade), i have learned that the heat in UAE is DIFFERENT!?!?!?!? I am sure i shall get a crash course in that as well.
Over all, considering all of the above, and a million other reasons, ambition, apprehensions, doubts, dellusions, delirium and other such things, i have narrowed it down to the following. It being MY reasons to looking for a job abroad:
1) Better job experience, will help with future job switches
2) Better pay structure (provided i get a job) to help me save a bit more
3) Temporary getaway from the most monotonous lifestyle in the world at the moment. (mine)

Downside to getting a job abroad:

1) Lack of my personal best friends
2) No Family and no niece to play with
3) My Honda City Neo 1.5 EFi which does 0-100Kph under 9 Seconds.
4) Lahore (The best city in the world, i will explain someother time, just take my word for it, if you dont agree, comeover and i will show you why)
5) Also, Cheaper DVDs and assorted pirated stuff, not to mention cheap smuggled items.
