Bouts of Flu & Leeches!
I sit down to write again, with nothing particular in mind. Life, it has always been so easy for me to live through it, even with all its ups and downs (and there have been some). The high points of my life accentuate the moments of happiness. The low points in life have, in a funny sort of way brought forth euphoria which stems from the integration of what ever resources I have accumulated in life to battle these sudden crevices which stand in every persons way in leading a perfect life.
Everyone that I have ever met has with a few exceptions had some sort of an ambition in life. Those who did not have one, had two or more ambitions, but that is just human nature to ask for more, and then some. The usual impression that people leave on me, or rather what I have gathered is that most of us common human beings just want to lead a life, in which we are successful, socially and economically.
Social success would be to move up the social ladder from where our earlier generation had left off, that again, is attributed to human nature. Economic success is but so obvious, as it does bring social success with it, but only in a conventional sort of way.
Now I cannot seem to be able to point out all the aspects which might lead a person, any person to be rushing after the social success brought by the success reached in the financial matters. Now we all know that there have been people who toil to make money so that their families can enjoy a good time on this bloody planet, but how many people are there like this.
There have also been people in this world who have displayed, to some, courage and valor, and to others stupidity. These are the people who inherited all that was needed, status as well as the riches, but they just chose to leave it all behind, for what they themselves called higher learning, I blame no one, for this is again human nature.
There are people who make it big time but then throw it all away because they never deserved it. Why do I say that? It is because these people who have made a lot of money, if they deserve it they would also know how and where, and also when to spend it. And most importantly how much! Basically I would call it the Jungle Rule, or the modern day term “survival of the fittest”. In this case it is the fittest in mind and the ever present human tendencies to get so far carried away in ecstacy that you suddenly realize that all you had, you have left it all far behind. And like any other Internet connection in Pakistan, the worldly gains all seem to be lagging, and hardly ever manage to catch up with the owner in full flight.
Everyone that I have ever met has with a few exceptions had some sort of an ambition in life. Those who did not have one, had two or more ambitions, but that is just human nature to ask for more, and then some. The usual impression that people leave on me, or rather what I have gathered is that most of us common human beings just want to lead a life, in which we are successful, socially and economically.
Social success would be to move up the social ladder from where our earlier generation had left off, that again, is attributed to human nature. Economic success is but so obvious, as it does bring social success with it, but only in a conventional sort of way.
Now I cannot seem to be able to point out all the aspects which might lead a person, any person to be rushing after the social success brought by the success reached in the financial matters. Now we all know that there have been people who toil to make money so that their families can enjoy a good time on this bloody planet, but how many people are there like this.
There have also been people in this world who have displayed, to some, courage and valor, and to others stupidity. These are the people who inherited all that was needed, status as well as the riches, but they just chose to leave it all behind, for what they themselves called higher learning, I blame no one, for this is again human nature.
There are people who make it big time but then throw it all away because they never deserved it. Why do I say that? It is because these people who have made a lot of money, if they deserve it they would also know how and where, and also when to spend it. And most importantly how much! Basically I would call it the Jungle Rule, or the modern day term “survival of the fittest”. In this case it is the fittest in mind and the ever present human tendencies to get so far carried away in ecstacy that you suddenly realize that all you had, you have left it all far behind. And like any other Internet connection in Pakistan, the worldly gains all seem to be lagging, and hardly ever manage to catch up with the owner in full flight.